Saturday, May 24, 2008

for ap lit-1

The 90's (for me) are a waterfall:
mist-shrouded and monolithic, although
intensely detailed drops flick my eyeball
occasionally when I sit stone(d/s)
tied to my time salmon-raft (plug your nose).

Stagnant memory, a black shroud (My nanny?)
flicks the flipper from the favorite hack
slash: power rangers. To O.J. and Jesse,
her pet soap opera, ev'ryday. Looking back,
probably a racist. (Oh, NEPA)

Mom and Dad come home (different house- would
I be the same?) and turn on Jennings. It's
all blowjobs and Kosovo, I laugh death
off with youthdumb blissignorance and run
to the back room. The dryer's dun disolves
in my ears as the score to my movie-
I'm the ranger now (the green one of course).

'til I see a broom, then I'm a rockstar/ninja.
I am Every/Anything for hours;
this is my stoop and I'll never get off.
'til I'm locked in by mom, her face dour
(I've still never been to Dorney).

Alas, I rush back down over the crest
to the temporary temporal pool
I swim (I never did learn the backstroke).
mind still half in that time- I would invest
in time if I had it, the only sure bet
(I'll be back to Niagara, again).

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Though II


isn't the even
fact of the
other side of the argument existing
enough to
your point?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A thought.

it is
stemmed from,
and on-
ly, the
of ch-

Monday, April 7, 2008

More Numbers

3: A Radical. The flicker in the corner of your eye that jolts against the grain of your normalcy. It dares to say that both sides are wrong, cause there's more than two sides to begin with.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

American Democracy

Is an open-ended essay question on a test, and people respond with "true or false".

Then the same people wonder why they failed.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

balzed revisionst numbers


4: A perpendicularity. The creator of, and the opposite of, a square.


Blazed numbers

4: The Everyday: Those actions which you have seen so many times, are arbiteted by two Pong Games. Natch?.


0: Everything. Commonly thought to be the opposite, but everyone who's no one knows that's just a Rove-ian smear campaign.
1: A non-entity. It only exists to give definition to masses and globs, to make multiples happen. Clearly not the loneliest, as without it, there would be no other.
2: An argument. Dissension is the force that bends a straight line into a circle. Two sides, volleying not because either of them is wrong, but because they can't see who's right is importanter.


(more to follow?)

Monday, January 14, 2008

I can see the water begin to percolate in her eyes, but with a scrunch of her nose she shoves the tears back into their ducts before they drip- if they did they'd be decaf, the precipitant of her hyperactive live. She can't cry because she knows she has to be a jester, the weight of everyone's giggles are on her shoulders. My advice starts at 'that sucks' and moves to 'just deal with it'. What I really want to do though is to slap her and hell at her to take a look around her $$$,$$$ house and shut up.

They say that money won't buy you happiness, but how many people below the poverty line need Zoloft? If given the choice between eating and happiness, I think I'd take the steak over the shrink everyday of the week (maybe not Friday if I was Catholic). I think that 9-to-5, a full stomach, and an empty mind ain't that bad. But I guess those millions of blue pills and decades of angsty suburban music prove me wrong.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The bottom half of the moon is full,
a big cereal bowl that catches stars
when they fall out of the sky, so they
can slosh around in slimy lunar-milk
like the hard things in lucky charms
that nobody likes.

I notice lots of random shit-
Things that no ones seems to be talking about, I can’t tell if it’s cause they’re too stupid to know that it’s important or because they’re smart enough to know that it’s so elementary it need not be spoken. I feel like Einstein and then the town idiot. It’s as if I found the key to the world and then as I get upon my mountain to shout I notice that everyone else already has it around their necks.

Stars cannot fall of course,
they’re barely real to start.
the only proof we have is
authoritarian proclamations
of white-coated men with ugly goggles.

I think science is sometimes as much bullshit as religion-
The only reason people believe it is because people tell them it’s true, people give no more though to how plausible nuclear fusion is then a burning bush. What’s the difference between Noah’s flood and melting Ice Caps? The fact is that no one knows how the universe works, and anybody who tells you they do either wants your cash, your conscience or your next of kin.

Won’t the night sky look
just as infinite
through those goggles?
boundaries of the eye
as intimidating?
their house or their work
as dwarfed by a
single nebula?