Friday, September 28, 2007

i feel very existentialisty today, not good when you have a test on plato and socrates.

maybe i am just tired.

i started to write a poem in calc.

i'd show it to ruth for advice but i'm sure she would laugh in my face, or behind my back, or maybe somewhere in between.

our football team almost won?


i need to talk to katy, but of course my phone calls lead not to her but to that blasted woman who screams at me for what seems a day before i can even leave a message.

I really like the word ubiquitous.

I think i've used it at least 3 times in conversation over the past week and more in my mind.

uhhhh, i need to sleep i think

Thursday, September 27, 2007

there is a new office tonight.

Ty's voice sounds exactly like Pam's and it is weird, yet kinda cool.

I have shit to do but i keep getting distracted by this thing i keep typing shit at.

The battery is almost dead.

I wonder if I'll be more opposed to doing my work or to getting up and plugging in the cord.

I was thinking about this and the whole idea of a blog is kinda contradictory, because if you actually use it as a journal type thing you can't, because you you're gonna change what you write because you know people you know are gonna read it, but if you didn't want people to read it you wouldn't have one in the first place.

Meno would be proud.

Shit, I have a philosophy test tomorrow.

blue books.

who they fuck came up with them, what's wrong with just normal paper?

do you think there are multiple blue books publishers or does just one ceo reap all the benefits of academia's penchant for rambling?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I don't know why I made this other than Ruth said I should.

Maybe I shouldn't give in to peer pressure so easily.

Maybe I should just come up with some interesting shit to put here.


i wonder what the word i use most is.

short list off the top of my head:
fuck (and all variations)

(well, probably shit like the and a should be in there too, but what kind of contest is that)

we'll give this a try i suppose.